Thursday, September 16, 2010

Peach Chutney with Pork Chops

Sorry, gentle readers, for leaving you in the lurch. I had every intention of sharing a recipe I concocted last week involving orzo, piel de sapo melon, prosciutto, basil, feta, and shallots. Sadly, it was just not good enough to blog about. The flavors were good, it was just the texture that was off. So it's back to the test kitchen with that one.

Autumn approaches fast. The squirrels are already burying their acorns in our garden and the colder nights have put me in a similar state of preparation. Happy Boy (thanks Aneesa!) and I spent much of our free time last weekend prepping for winter: peeling tomatoes to freeze and making stock. And on Monday guess who stopped by with two boxes of meat--Happy Boy's dad! He brought us copius amounts of the following: pork chops, pancetta, bacon, salami, coppa, Italian sausage, skirt steak, flat iron steak, a tri-tip, pork tenderloin, Korean style short ribs, duck breast, and two whole chickens. Thank god C. lives downstairs so that he can keep some of the meat in his freezer because ours is full.

Watch out for the meat slides!

All this with flats of peaches and tomatoes still laying around. (It always seems to come back to the peaches doesn't it?) So I made a peach chutney to serve with barbequed pork chops. Making chutney isn't difficult and is actually a pretty quick process.

Fresh Peach Chutney

1/2 C cider vinegar
1/3 C white sugar
1 T molasses
1/2 C diced sweet red pepper
1 large shallot, diced, about 1/2 C
1 small jalapeno, seeded and diced
1/3 C white raisins
1 T chopped garlic
1 T grated ginger
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 lbs peaches, skinned and sliced into wedges

1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat bring vinegar, sugar, and molasses to a boil.

2. Add the diced pepper, shallot, jalapeno, raisins, garlic, ginger, and salt and simmer to reduce by half. Stir frequently. This takes about 10-20 minutes.

3. Add the peach slices and simmer an additional 5-10 minutes till tender and reduced.

N.B. The peaches will create a lot of juice as they cook down. You will need to be very gentle when stirring to reduce this added liquid. The peaches are fragile and you are at risk of making more of a jam than a chutney if you're too vigorous with your stirring.

4. Cool for 15 minutes.

Yield is 2 1/2 Cups. Enough to can or share with friends. This will keep in a sterilized jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

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